Portrait of Jacopo Strada, 1568 by Titian

Portrait of Jacopo Strada, 1568 by Titian
Portrait of Jacopo Strada, 1568 by Titian

The portrait Jacopo Strada (1567-68) was dated to within eight years of Titian's death and is an unusually elaborate example of his late style of portraiture. Titian has retained his favourite compositional device, the diagonal pattern, for the art dealer sitter seen with some of his wares. Placed in an interior, either influenced by northern portraits or Lorenzo Lotto, it shows Titian still experimenting.

Titian's last portraits show him capable of expressing serene tranquility almost to the point of tragedy, where he is beyond the demands of life and only contemplates the struggle for survival. Titian died of the plague in Venice in 1576.